Herculina S

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The Herculina S can be proud of its name.

With its broad base and granite slabs and in combination with the solid cast iron floor base, this is a robust stove which would take its place in your room as a real piece of furniture.
The warm wood compartment and the wide base helps to create a cosy and homely atmosphere.

Fitted with the latest technology it is a treat to light the fire.It is fitted with a fire/rotating grid and is regulated using only one control. In the Herculina range there are two other models available:XL and XXL, as illustrated above.

Efficiency 80,3 % Flue connection 150 mm
Nominal heat output 7 kW Pressure 12 p (Pa)
Weight 155 kg Flue gas temperature Wood 316 °C
Flue gas flow Wood 12,6 m (g/s) Dust in mg. 37 mg

Meets the following test requirements: gem. Art. 15a B-VG, BStV München, Regensburg, Stuttgart and Aachen, gem. DIN plus, Ö-Norm, CE norm,1.+2. BimschV. and Luftreinhalte-Verordnung Switzerland.