Acturus II

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The strong cast iron construction, detailed decorations and efficient size gives the Acturus a timeless industrial appeal.

The wood filling door on the side makes it possible to burn lengths of wood up to 50 cm.

During the process of production, time and attention has been spent on producing a quality that technically speaking meets all required standards.

Now in the 6th generation of the family business we still offer this successful model, equipped with the latest techniques and external air supply.

The Acturus is available as Acturus 1 with one door or Acturus II with double opening  doors.

Both stoves have the wood filling door at the side, Acturus 1 on the left -hand side and Alturus II on the right.

Efficiency 80,2 % Flue connection 150 mm
Nominal heat output 7 kW Pressure 12 p (Pa)
Weight 115 kg Flue gas temperature Wood 320 °C
Flue gas flow Wood 7,5 m (g/s) Dust in mg. 32 mg

Meets the following test requirements: gem. Art. 15a B-VG, BStV München, Regensburg, Stuttgart und Aachen, gem. DIN plus, Ö-Norm, CE norm,1.+2. BimschV. und Luftreinhalte- Verordnung Switzerland.