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Baking and cooking?
The Alhena is THE STOVE for you!

The fire space is extra large and is equipped with a winter and summer grid, so that it is able to heat larger rooms in the winter. This stove is made of cast iron and the outside is either enameled in two colours or is covered with natural stone.

The Alhena is available in both left and right handed versions.
The oven door is fitted with a thermometer showing the exact temperature.
The wood drawer has enough room to store plenty of wood.
This model requires no electricity or gas for cooking or for heating your house.

It is possible to expand the stove with the two additional units.
The unit with a lid is also a warming plate for the tasty snacks you have prepared.
In short it is definitely an asset to your kitchen!

Efficiency 85 % Flue connection 115 mm
Nominal heat output 7 kW Pressure 10 p (Pa)
Weight 180 kg Flue gas temperature Wood 201 °C
Flue gas flow Wood 7,59 m (g/s) Dust in mg. 24 mg
Flue gas temperature Coal 201 °C Flue gas flow Coal 7,59 m (g/s)

Meets the following test requirements: gem. Art. 15a B-VG, BStV München, Regensburg, Stuttgart und Aachen, gem. DIN plus, Ö-Norm, CE norm,1.+2. BimschV. und Luftreinhalte- Verordnung Switzerland.